Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Smiles from the Midwest soon to grow in size!

This weekend, I am flying HOME!  For quite sometime I have been calling where I am living home, and for many reasons it still has the potential of being such.  There are great people here in the village, I have a pleasant group of students with a very diverse personality spectrum, the winter is much more tolerable than I had imagined, the housing is nice and new, I have roommate/colleagues who are great people that share interests and plenty of fun nights with me...for all those reasons I don't mind calling this a home of mine.  But, for a very big reason, "home" will always be where my family is...they are irreplaceable by other people or even experiences.  I can't wait for the next few days to pass right on by so I can be back there to recharge a piece of who I am.  My friends and family are a HUGE part of me and who I am.  I can say I feel myself getting lost a little without that physical support and presence from those who I have known and trusted for years.  On the flip-side, I do look forward to my return to finish out the year.  My students will greatly benefit upon my return after recharging my batteries, clearing my head, and looking at a fresh start to the year, and second semester.

In-light of the new year approaching, I figured I would close this blog with a jump start on this whole resolution thing that will need to be looked at in a few weeks.
Not in any particular order:
1.  Post my pictures and update the blog from fun events when first arriving in Alaska
2.  Update blog with fun stories weekly on a minimum basis, the interaction I get from you all reading is rewarding and creates a motive to continue with a smile.
3.  Remind myself daily of who I am, what I am capable of, and where I want to be in my life.  This is a step I chose to take and I will make sure it is a valuable one so in the face of a new position whenever and wherever that may be, I can use this experience as a prelude to a great career.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Sunday before Thanksgiving

As I sit here on my couch with my feet up (currently on my lesson plan book) and the puppies sleeping in a collective clump, I am looking forward to the break coming up.  School has been a trying experience so far and I do hope with the adjustments I have made, it will go better in weeks to come.  I no longer want to wish for Friday to come, instead I would like to be pleasantly surprised that the week has come to a close and the weekend is already there.

Last night the group here in Kipnuk brought in Sunday playing games.  We were up until 3am (like many weekend nights) and last night we played one of my favorites, "Stone Age".  I have been so blessed to be placed with a group of colleagues who I get along with so well!  We are able to have a good time, with fun conversations over board games (which seems to be a common interest). 

As I come to a close with this short message to all of you, I am ready for the week.  It will be a short week with a long break to recharge my batteries and get geared up for all the loose ends to be tied up by December 16th.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

No Goodbyes, See you Soons!

I wrote the following today in a meeting and I thought it was something more people would like to hear...

Chapter 3: No Goodbyes, See You Soons!

The month of July was filled with checklists and plans to fulfill.  Much of my time was spent with friends and family who I would not be seeing again until December.  This adventure is the only time I have fully been away from my physical support system.  I knew I would be ok and I would make it just fine.  My parents and siblings did well with raising a strong and sensible person.  At 30, this is one of the tests in my life, survival while meeting ALL new people.  My support will always be there, so I made sure while seeing people for the last time in July, there were no goodbyes.  Goodbye is when people will not be seen again, so I said, "see you soon", as in see you as soon as I get back.  You are important to me, you are in my life for good.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What a day! :)

So today I had my first formal observation scheduled by my principal.  Even though there was a storm arriving by lunch time, my observation time was kept as scheduled.  The kids of course were acting like any student on a potential half day or holiday (hard to contain and listen).  I did what I could, as I do each day, and taught my lesson.  I am feeling indifferent to the success of it so either way I guess I will be in-touch with the high-points that are discussed with me next week.

As the kids were secretly hoping school was dismissed at an early lunch time because of hurricane force winds and whiteout blizzard conditions.  I gladly accepted the 1/2 free day, took the kids to lunch and off to home I went.  I relaxed a little and it was so nice to spend that brief time for myself.  However, after supper, I was ready to head over to the school.  The school is the highest point in the village and most of the community members are staying the night in the gym.  The feeling of guilt was overwhelming so my roommate (yes, I have one now that not a four legged friend) and I went over to interact with the community.

Following my own rules set for myself this week, I went to have a positive interaction with my students and community members.  We brought a couple card games to the gym and there I sat with 4-8 kids playing UNO for almost an hour.  We had a lot of fun and hopefully it broke up the night a little for the kids.

As far as the weather, nothing major is coming from the sky and hasn't for a few hours now, but the river is flooding and we are getting the extra water this way.  There was a flood in 1974 that was huge, but this one that hit Kipnuk today is worse.  I am ok here in teacher housing and the community members are safe at school.  They are just stuck in a gym with a lot of people and the lights on (can't turn them off because that is how the generator gains power)

I came to Alaska to make a difference and positively impact other people.  Tonight by going to the gym I was able to interact with the kids even more and also a few parents.  The feeling of being here during somewhat crisis was an experience inside itself.  The village held itself together and all seems fine in Kipnuk.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fulfilling Requirements

I have decided that while here in Alaska I have a huge task set in front of me and the best part is I am setting the rules of my success or failure.  There are times that people will come down on me due to misunderstandings or even one or more of my faults, but even their negativity cannot keep me from succeeding.  I am a dedicated teacher who loves to teach and I am making the conscience effort now to do all that I can to fulfill the reason I traveled practically out of the country and away from all the people I know and care about.

So the list:
  • Make a positive impact on as many children and community members as possible - such as choosing to do open gym on Saturday.  I will never want to give away the feeling of how great it felt to be the provider of all the laughter and smiles the Saturday mornings in the gym!
  • Get closer from a "good" teacher to a "great" teacher - I know I am capable of many things and all that is requested whether is is asinine or not will improve my skills as long as my attitude towards and approach to is positive.
  • Have a life outside of the school building - I am doing well with game nights and dinners with my colleagues but I do need to extend this to community involvement.  There is open gym on Fridays and even if I go for just an hour it is something to interact with other Adults here in Kipnuk.
  • Even though the term and process is cliche, "finding myself" would also be ideal - I need to dedicate more time everyday for me.  Just me.  This can be reading, working out, cooking, or even picking back up one of the random crafts I have done in my past.  While having "me time," I will be able to put thought into where I am, what I want, and where I want to go.
So at this point I will return to the lesson plans and move forward towards tomorrow.  This week's focus will be as many positive impacts I can provide to as many as I can reach.

I attached a picture of two very positive and healthy decisions I have made since I arrived.  They are troopers even though they didn't last as long as I did tonight planning lessons.  They are still right here and supporting!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Lemons in Mud

I have been stuck in some negative mud and I try to get away but it is finding me even in my secret hiding places.  It isn't fair for me or all of you that care about me to retreat so I will do my best to stop.  I don't plan on spilling out all the negatives because the positives (the students and my personal satisfaction while teaching them) is far better than anything.  I am doing fine and making some great progress with my class.  They are good kids and work through all that they have been given to try their best.  I even had over half my class visit me for Halloween treats tonight!  I am glad I went into teaching and will get past the non-teaching issues soon enough.  Also, I am thankful for the many conversations I have had with people back at home as well as the care packages.  The fruit, student gifts (they are loving the gum, pencils, trinkets), puppy treats, and all the goodies for me as well, are well received.  The care for us definitely makes the trip!  So again thank you.

There is a lot that can be said by avoiding sharing the "down" parts of life but being so far away it isn't fair to hide them either as that causes acts of retreat.  I will do my best to keep in touch as I said good or until next time (hope I will post much sooner than the last one)...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Internet at HOME

So the last month or more I have been selfish with my daily activities and thoughts.  No worries though because I now have internet at home and I will be able to make posts way easier than before.  Most days I would leave school (and the internet connection) to go home to eat, but then decided I would much rather stay home than go back in to "work". 

Life here in Kipnuk is going well and I have a great group of colleagues that I spend a lot of time with outside of the school day.  I also have fixed my "roommate issue" with a very cute village puppy.  Her name is Aquila (which was derived from a little girl's Yupik name Quila)  The two of us are a pretty good pair and we share the living space well.  She lets me feed her and clean up after her.  She also makes sure I get out of bed and that I get to experience having a dog to walk in the Alaskan Tundra.

I have taught my new friends how to play my favorite games and they have had open minds to try new games.  It has been great to have that aspect of my "old" life here in Alaska.  The only problem I have faced is that I am a pretty good teacher and I am continually losing my own games.  I will take this problem any day as it shows I am getting to play boardgames regularly!

This is the "Truman Show" look to Kipnuk.  Those "roads" are boardwalks, sometimes barely big enough for four wheelers.  This is my Alaskan home and feel more and more a part of it each day!

:) Gia

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day one hungry and ready to go home :-)

Well I did it, and I did "have it" all under control.  There are so many more things that I would love to share on these posts but I will stick to the generic as it is the safe route.  I have 20 students and today although there were plenty of seats available, the room felt a tad crowded.  One of my tasks tonight will be to set up a seating chart (not for remember names-I got that down in the first hour) but for behavior control.  The other task will be to rearrange what I have set up so far to find more space if it exists.
I took it upon myself to have a nice chat with my principal to let him in on how my day went and how I would like him to help/monitor my efforts.  This is an adventure but also a very important career move for me.  The meeting went well and I am looking forward to working under his management for the rest of the school year.
Now on to supper, my lunch was a quick chocolate chip granola bar and a spoonful of peanut butter.  I wasn't too sure about eating to school lunch just yet.  We will have to see as I know it is a good rapport builder with the kids.  Above all today was a great day and I am glad I made the decision to put myself out there to better my interests and career path.  Can't wait for day two!
Until next time
-Me :-)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

School Starts...Tomorrow!

I know I have been a little selfish in my adventure sharing but I do hope to post the rest with the pictures very soon.  Tonight's blog I wanted to do on time, as tomorrow is the big day.  School starts at 9am and the nerves were high earlier making me feel unprepared.  However, after a talk with one of the big sisters, I feel much better.  She had me look at my experience in another light.  Each day that I subbed was a "first day" of school.  I needed to meet the students and gain their respect within the school day.  This time around, I have 170 days with the students.  She said to me, "You got this, so quit worrying about it!"
As I am finishing up my room for tonight, I look around and do realize I do have this under control.  I am here because I want to be and am qualified to be.  This IS going to be a great year and "I got this!" :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm headed on a moose hunt...with a camera!

Last night, I was fortunate enough to meet a couple locals that were confident they could show me a moose early this morning.  After a little hesitation, and confirmation from hotel restaurant manager that they were good people (not really to that extent but I was given an "ok") I agreed to be picked up at 4:30am.  Within 20 minutes, I saw my first moose and a couple moose toddlers too!

Now the pictures weren't as great as I had wanted them to be BUT I wasn't about to get out and take better ones with the mom and babies around.  That just screamed trouble for me so I watched from the truck and took pictures from my phone.  I did learn that if you wish to find a moose early morning or late in the day is best.  They are big animals and the worst thing to do is slow down if one startles you on the road.  Hopefully, you remembered your seat-belt, don't swerve and just hit the animal.  Kind of like deer but just a tad bigger!

I was invited to breakfast after the excursion as it was so short but sad to say I did pass on the invite as 4:30am was an early wake up call.  Anchorage or not, I was going back to bed.  I saw a moose and that was my task for the day! :-) I got dropped off at the hotel and noticed a strange thing above the window and asked the clerk what it was exactly.  This picture is one of the "combs" down a whale's throat.  I have to look up the word for it again but I guess this is how it gets it's food while gulping down the water.  Strange decoration but I suppose in Wisconsin we have plenty of deer heads on walls so kind of the same I guess!?
After my short nap I ventured back downtown to catch the trolley (spending $15 leaving me $7 but not thinking it was an issue since the ATM worked yesterday just not the debit purchase).  The ride was "so-so" but only because I wish I would have done it the first day here.  I could have used the info to explore more but being this was my last day here, I just took in all the info.  I did get to see another moose, so that was way worth the trip.
I took a video of the trolley ride so I will have to work on uploading to YouTube or something.  From there I went to eat lunch, and no such luck as my bank had now blocked all purchases AND ATM use.  This made it super hard being a Sunday and I was planning on getting groceries with cash today.  So my $7 and I headed back to the hotel in hopes they will feed me (charge to the room).  On my way back to the shuttle I had to stop for a couple pictures.

I was in luck!  My dad is taking care of the bank in the morning, the hotel fed me yet another fabulous meal, I have a full belly now and a lot to do tomorrow, so to bed I go!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just one more for today.

So I needed to eat and I knew the restaurant in the hotel would charge my room if my card didn't work for them.  I headed down to the bar to work on my to-do list and eat of course.

I just HAD to have another round of tomato bisque soup and a chocolate martini.  I did how ever change the main entree to a BBQ steak quesadilla.  It was interesting but very tasty!

The main reason why there is more to post for this day was a nice long chat with a local, Pat.  He has worked construction and has traveled to many of the villages, so he gave me a lot of his perspective and insight which was helpful.  But more heart warming was this much older gentlemen that had been listening to my "Gia stories" from across the bar came up to me as he was ready to leave.

He says,"Hello, my name is, Harry.  Can I give you something?"
I don't answer right away as I am in a new place and my mom and dad always told me to not talk to strangers.  But very quickly he says,"it's a surprise."
"Oh, sure you can! I love surprises!"
I caved but sure glad I did because then Harry turned his hand over and opened it up to give me a Hershey's kiss.  "It's a goodnight kiss"
I couldn't help but smile real big and say thank you! After the night that I had it was amazing for someone like him to be around!
Then he says,"Well if I knew you had a smile like that I would have given you two right away, here is another one for morning.  Now you have a 'good morning' kiss as well."
"Harry, thank you, as I am pretty sure you have made my night!"

What a sweet man!  This is a memory that I would like to keep for a long time.

Everything can't be roses all the time.

Today I knew I needed to get moving early because there was a big farmers/craft market downtown that I wanted to see.  The weather was perfect and it was neat to see all the stuff that was brought to the market.  I do say stuff because as a crafter's daughter I can spot things that are "made in china" and presented as a craft.  However, it was a little more tricky to do that today.  So I stuck to buying the book from Rod Perry and also one called the Tundra Teacher.  As far as food I treated myself to a salmon quesadilla (that way I satisfied the Mexican craving with the desire to try new foods).
Further into the market, I was able to buy giant cookies and learned that they do in fact ship to the bush (if I absolutely NEED a cookie).  I also treated myself to a freshly squeezed lemonade, fresh peaches, and Washington cherries.  I was so excited to see those cherries as I had one about 6 years ago and HAD to have them again sometime in this life time and wha-la! There they were at the market.

Another very interesting find at the market was this couple with their green old school Volkswagen Beetle.  The had been traveling for almost a year and were on their way to ...well for the life of me I can't remember where exactly but it was way northern Alaska.  They decided they would take a year and travel.  Their first flat was on the way to the market in Anchorage today.  They did have a couple windshields break and a few minor car repairs but otherwise the trip was flawless to their plan.  It was nice talking to them about their adventure but then also get to see a Volkswagen beetle one last time before I go far far away.
Once I talked to as many people that were willing (including Jenny on the phone for a little time), I headed to the Anchorage Museum to indulge myself in a little culture and history.  I got to see some artwork from past to present times, displays of native people and their ways of life, animals, Alaskan history...but to be honest I didn't have all day to spend there so I did go through it at a faster pace than desired but nonetheless I did go and I did see things/learn about a few things which was part of my plan for the day.

I had to add the picture outlining the (what I believe) bullet hole.  I was at first concerned that the poor animal lost a part of its fur.  Then I realized as I stepped back at how that would most likely be the ideal spot to aim for a MDK moose style.  If that is a bullet hole, that is one massive wound!

So far my day had gone as planned and I was walking on Alaskan sunshine all day.  I decided that it was time to try out the public transportation system, and aside from one angry patron (very intoxicated and also using a lot of language not found in the children's Webster dictionary) the bus choice was way more affordable than the $60 round trip cab ride to the golf course which was essentially in the same area and a decent idea.  I headed to Wal-mart to pick up a months worth of food to have shipped to myself.

While shopping, I found that Sam Walton does a great job at attracting the same type of Wal-mart shoppers that I am used to even in Alaska.  I barreled right through my list and went to check out.  However, my bank had a different outcome for my story tonight because I didn't specifically mention to them that I was moving to Alaska and would like to spend my money while there.  The nice clerk told me if I would like I could call my bank (however this was 10pm CST on a Saturday) he would wait.  Since this wasn't an option, I bought what I had cash for and left deflated...a little.

I walked to the bus stop and ate my Washington cherries as I waited for the bus to come at 7:41.  The bus pulls up and I get on while asking the driver if it is indeed the correct bus to my hotel.  He says, "Yes, it sure is, but I am done for the day."  What!? On a Saturday night you are done before 8:00pm?  So I sit there even more deflated and starting to feel a little defeated as he drives me to the stop with an awning (what a guy).  He then heads downtown (which is where I wanted to go but for some reason this company doesn't want to take their customers back to the bus station?).  I ask a few girls who made the same assumption as I did, if they would like to share a cab...lucky for me, I didn't have to pay $25 extra for a bum trip to Wal-mart! They all gladly accepted the offer and we took a cab back downtown.
The picture above was taken as I was eating my cherries and waiting for the bus.  I was bummed while sitting there because of having to leave Wal-mart without food or money but then the skyline brought something to my attention.  I am in a beautiful city, I am now living in Alaska, and I am (no matter what) already having a better day than that moose, that I saw in the museum, did the day he lost a spot of fur.

I will have bumps in my road here...but I am so lucky to have this opportunity!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday and claiming Alaska as where I live

Today seemed like a great day to start grounding my feet further into the Alaskan soil so I headed to the mall to set up my new cell phone to work in bush Alaska.  Yes they do allow cell phones to work out here despite the recent thought that soup cans were used.  My phone is not much different than my HTC EVO so there are high hopes of keeping my phone life somewhat the same!

I had my phone and new number so off to the food court I went.  As I ascended up the escalator the first shop I spotted was "Taco King" and I briefly thought my Alaskan food adventure would have to wait until tomorrow...but for two tacos, beans and rice for $9.95, I decided to keep looking.  I did find the Hawaiian BBQ and ordered garlic salmon for only $7.00, not really sure why I thought this was strange but maybe I'm just too used to Taco Bell and its prices. :)

I continued my adventure downtown to see all the touristy stuff and ran into one of the Iditarod Race pioneers, Rod Perry.  We chatted for a long time about how to properly enter into a village of people all of a different culture than that of my own.  He suggested not to come on too strong and always say "yes" to tea (which means food).  People for many years have come together over meals and there isn't much different from that now.  He was a valuable stop on my downtown excursion and I was very lucky to run into him at his stand he had set up to sell his books.  I plan to find him at the market tomorrow and buy one.
I finished looking at all the trinket stores and headed back to my hotel where I made the final decision that I MUST go golfing in Alaska at a very odd time for "normal" golf.  So, I called and set up a tee-time for 9:30pm...and called a taxi.  My cab driver gave me a little insight on his thoughts of where I was headed and none of which were positive.  I didn't get worried but realized that what I am doing isn't for everyone so I need to continue to have an open mind before I make a decision on how I feel.

He dropped off at the golf course and there I was checking in for a tee-time for one...once again a very strange feeling but so glad I stepped out of my comfort box because this was amazing.  The course was very nice and here I was golfing at almost ten at night and it only felt like 6 at the latest.  I put my rental clubs and 6 golfballs in the cart and off I went to the first tee box where I had to stop my adventure and wait....for a foursome that clearly didn't know how to golf :-S

So I took my time but just like in Princess Bride where they felt like a ship was creeping up on them I felt that presence behind me as another solo golfer was moving in on me an my space.  I invited him to join me, so there I golfed with a complete stranger.  I had a great time with Jake (business guy from Utah) who also decided that it was necessary to golf in Alaska at a "strange" time of night.
This last picture was me looking back at the ninth hole at 11:32pm.  Incredible is one way to describe how that felt to finish a round of golf that close to midnight and still be able to see!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

ANCHORAGE...and exhausted! :)

Well my days of selling, sorting, packing, and storing are done.  I was up all night Wednesday night working through my final things so it wasn't consuming my parents house while I am away.  So now here I am blogging in my hotel in Anchorage.  It is 10:03pm but if my phone didn't say PM there is now way to tell.  The sun stays out longer during the summer months so it is super weird at the moment to take in all the rays at this time of night.

My travels went very smooth thanks to my family and also friends that helped with packing or just being around for the final "see ya laters".  I was early for the shuttle thanks to my overly anxious sister Robin (or very loving, either one).  The shuttle was a smooth trip to Rochester for a quick lay over and then off to MSP we went.  Once there, I was left at the airport by the bunch of strangers I just met on the shuttle and there I stood...alone with 2 bags to check and my 2 carry ons.  I figured "no problem, I got this!"  and I did.  Checking in for the flight and checking my bags was super fast and painless.  Little did I know the feeling that was about to over take me as I am walking away from the baggage area, across the skywalk, towards security.  It then occurred to me, I am really doing this and I am really leaving a lot of important people in my life behind.  I was ok after a brief readjustment of thinking, my car may not be there when I return but the people that matter the most in my life and are important to me, they will be in touch and reachable at anytime I need them.

I breezed through security, walked a mile to my gate (with a dead cell phone and a panicking sister), plugged in phone to check in before I boarded, found my seat...and remember very little after that as I was cashed in.  I slept through the flight over the lower 48 states but miraculously I woke up just in time to see mountains, glaciers, and beautiful blue sky's.

So here I am, in Anchorage, ready to see a few things before I immerse myself in teaching...oh that excitement is just as great as seeing the Alaskan horizon!!

Until next time
-Me <3

Monday, July 25, 2011

The count down is getting shorter

Over the last couple weeks, I have been blessed with a few opportunities to be around people who came to show their support and excitement for my upcoming adventures.  It is a great feeling and warms my heart to know there is support at "home" while I will be away.

However, as I write this, stuff is waiting to have a final sort and boxes are ready to be packed and shipped.  I do hope that the procrastination drifts away for the next few hours and I just get this packing thing done!  The get togethers were absolutely crucial, but now I must get down to like 10 minutes. :-P

Reality is:  I will sleep in Wisconsin tonight, tomorrow night, Wednesday night...and then I will be laying my head on an Alaskan pillow Thursday night in Anchorage.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The countdown is becoming more real!

The checklist is getting a little plane tickets have been purchased, I have signed the contract for LKSD, my seat is reserved in the shuttle to get to the airport on Thursday, and today I tackled this blogging "thing".  I fully intend to use the blog to keep people involved with my adventures to and in Alaska over the next year.

Please keep in touch :)