Monday, November 7, 2011

Fulfilling Requirements

I have decided that while here in Alaska I have a huge task set in front of me and the best part is I am setting the rules of my success or failure.  There are times that people will come down on me due to misunderstandings or even one or more of my faults, but even their negativity cannot keep me from succeeding.  I am a dedicated teacher who loves to teach and I am making the conscience effort now to do all that I can to fulfill the reason I traveled practically out of the country and away from all the people I know and care about.

So the list:
  • Make a positive impact on as many children and community members as possible - such as choosing to do open gym on Saturday.  I will never want to give away the feeling of how great it felt to be the provider of all the laughter and smiles the Saturday mornings in the gym!
  • Get closer from a "good" teacher to a "great" teacher - I know I am capable of many things and all that is requested whether is is asinine or not will improve my skills as long as my attitude towards and approach to is positive.
  • Have a life outside of the school building - I am doing well with game nights and dinners with my colleagues but I do need to extend this to community involvement.  There is open gym on Fridays and even if I go for just an hour it is something to interact with other Adults here in Kipnuk.
  • Even though the term and process is cliche, "finding myself" would also be ideal - I need to dedicate more time everyday for me.  Just me.  This can be reading, working out, cooking, or even picking back up one of the random crafts I have done in my past.  While having "me time," I will be able to put thought into where I am, what I want, and where I want to go.
So at this point I will return to the lesson plans and move forward towards tomorrow.  This week's focus will be as many positive impacts I can provide to as many as I can reach.

I attached a picture of two very positive and healthy decisions I have made since I arrived.  They are troopers even though they didn't last as long as I did tonight planning lessons.  They are still right here and supporting!

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